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e Cloud Connection Service Agreement
2021-07-19 16:41:09































中国电信国际有限公司根据本协议约定,向客户提供云连接产品服务(“本服务”)。 云连接产品是国际公司通过软件定义网络连接全球公有云的服务,物理资源依靠国际公司搭建和运营的全球骨干网。

2. 验收期


3. 服务费用

3.1 云连接产品服务支持包月/包年/动态计费等计费方式,客户应当按照订购页面提示及本协议约定价格向国际公司支付服务费用。

3.2 资源到期/删除与欠费处理


4. 服务水平协议


5. 服务规范

5.1 客户理解并同意,使用本服务是客户自行独立审慎判断的结果,客户应当对客户自行判断结果或自行操作的行为负责,包括但不限于:

5.1.1 客户应提前规划使用云连接产品互通的各个公有云资源池VPC网段、ASN、互联IP不可冲突,包括重复、重叠等情况,并预先开通相应公有云资源(如:VPC、云主机等);

5.1.2 客户应提前预估预测使用云连接产品互通的各个公有云资源池站点的网络带宽,便于订购云连接产品时可快速下单并开通;

5.1.3 如客户在使用云连接产品服务时同时使用了中国电信国际有限公司其他服务(除非双方另有约定),客户应当按照相应的服务费用标准向国际公司支付服务费用,并遵守相应的服务条款;

5.2 国际公司将按照本协议约定提供云连接产品服务,服务仅包含云连接产品本身范围内的网络带宽、端口等服务。

5.3 产品生效依赖及影响

5.3.1 正常情况下客户使用云连接产品服务时,需使用其它公有云资源服务(如虚拟私有云/云主机/云路由器等),客户仍需在对应公有云平台提前开通、订购这些基础资源类产品,并另行付费。

5.3.2 本服务的网络互通能力实现前通常需先行开通虚拟私有云、云主机等基础云资源类服务,因此,当客户开通本服务时所依赖的基础服务发生可用性问题或服务终止时,可能会引起本服务无法正常使用。

6. 权利


7. 附件






第一条 总则

目前云连接产品定义的业务水平指标包括,POP节点服务可用率(Service Availability)、核心骨干网内POP节点间时延(PoP-PoP Latency )、核心骨干网内POP节点间丢包率(PoP-PoP packet loss rate)。本业务质量指标体系只涉及中国电信国际有限公司本产品核心覆盖区域的网络节点之间的性能指标,不承诺端到端以及异网间的业务流量。

第二条 服务说明与承诺


(1)骨干网节点服务可用率(Service Availability)




(2)骨干网内平均时延(PoP-PoP Latency)




(3)骨干网内丢包率(Packet Loss Rate)






2.2 服务赔付标准



实测服务可用率 适用情景

99.9% 单线,骨干侧带保护

99.95% 双线,骨干和接入侧带保护

99.99% 最高级别,针对特定场景的承诺

接入PoP点的服务可用率赔付标准按照不同的场景进行划分 。


月服务可用率% 每月服务不可用持续时间

(仅供参考,以实际计算为准) 月赔付比例

≥99.5% 不超过3.6小时 不适用

<99.50% and ≥ 99.00% 超过3.6小时,但不超过7.2小时 5%

<99.00% and ≥ 98.50% 超过8小时,但不超过10.8小时 10%

<98.50% 超过10.8小时 20%


月服务可用率% 每月服务不可用持续时间

(仅供参考,以实际计算为准) 月赔付比例

≥99.90% 不超过44分钟 不适用

<99.90% and ≥ 99.50% 超过44分钟,但不超过3.6小时 5%

<99.50% and ≥ 99.00% 超过3.6小时,但不超过7.2小时 10%

<99.00% 超过7.2小时 20%


月服务可用率% 每月服务不可用持续时间

(仅供参考,以实际计算为准) 月赔付比例

≥99.95% 不超过22分钟 不适用

<99.95% and ≥ 99.50% 超过22分钟,但不超过3.6小时 5%

<99.50% and ≥ 99.00% 超过3.6小时,但不超过7.2小时 10%

<99.00% 超过7.2小时 20%




实测时延超标范围 网络质量

<10.0% 正常

10.1%-20% 性能下降

20.1%-30.0% 性能劣化

>30.1% 性能严重劣化




实际平均丢包率 网络质量

≦ 1% 0

>1% 性能下降

2.3 赔偿不适用的情况








2.4 协议生效及其他




第三条 维护

国际公司可在维护或更新其网络期间暂停服务。 如果进行例行、有计划的维护,国际公司将向客户提供合理的事先通知。对于紧急维护,国际公司将根据具体情况尽可能地提供通知。在所有情况下,国际公司将与客户合作,将服务的中断最小化。在任何情况下,任何有计划的中断或例行维护都不被视为服务中断。除非在服务水平协议中另有说明,否则客户无权依据此类维护而获得任何补偿。










We have entered into an [ CloudExchange Service]contract or similar contract or order form (together as “Contract”) with you under which certain CloudExchange services (together as “Services”) are provided to us. We promise to abide by this Letter and shall bear all civil, administrative and criminal liabilities arising therefrom if there is any violation of the relevant clauses of this Letter by us.



1. We warrant to comply with the Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Strengthening the Protection of Network Information, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Telecommunications, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Computer Information Systems, the Computer Information Network International Network Security Protection Management Measures, the Internet Information Service Management Measures, the Non-commercial Internet Information Service Filing Management Measures, the Mobile Internet Application Information Service Management Regulations, the Telecommunications and Internet User Personal Information Protection Regulations, the Public Internet Network Security Emergency Response Plan and relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies (together the "Related Regulations").



2. We warrant to use the Services in accordance with Related Regulations, the requirements of the government authorities and the Contract, and shall not use the Services beyond the scope and purpose agreed in the Contract, and have all the legal and necessary qualifications for the business we engage in.



3. We warrant to provide identity information and use Services in accordance with the requirements of the user’s true identity information system ("Real Name System"), and to ensure that the information and materials provided are true, complete, accurate and effective.



4. We guarantee not to use the network (including but not limited to fixed network, mobile network, internet, the same as below) to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as endangering national security, leaking state secrets, and not to infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others.



5. We warrant to do a good job in our network and information security management in strict accordance with Related Regulations, to complete various network security management systems and implement various security protection technical measures, and set the positions of the person in charge of information security and information security inspector in accordance with the requirements of government authorities, and shall notify you in time when the person in charge of the information security changes. All the liabilities arising from our breach of the above warranties shall be undertaken by us, and you have the right to terminate the Contract immediately.



6. We warrant to cooperate with you to provide assistance to public security authorities, national security authorities and other government departments in legally maintaining national security and investigating criminal activities, provide true information, data and files related to security protection, and actively assist in the investigation of information network related illegal and criminal activities.






















7. We guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and legality of the information to be sent, and warrant the content to be published shall strictly abide by the Related Regulations, not to make, copy, review and disseminate harmful information through the internet, not to distribute or disseminate illegal, unhealthy information, not to produce, copy, review and disseminate any information that violates one of the following requirements (i.e., Nine Prohibited and Six Not-allowed content).


The Nine Prohibitions means that the production, reproduction, review and dissemination of information containing the following contents are prohibited:

Opposing the basic principles established by the state constitution;

Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

Damage to national honor and interests;

Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

Undermining the state's religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstition;

Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;

Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crime;

Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legal rights of others;

Contains other content prohibited by laws and regulations.


Six Not-allowed means:

It is never allowed to disseminate opinions that violate the theory, guidelines, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China (the “Party”) among the people;

It is never allowed to publicly publish remarks that are contrary to the decision of the central committee of the Party;

It is never allowed to violate the central government's decision-making and deployment;

Never allow fabricating or spreading political rumors and speech that defames the image of the Party and the country;

Never divulge Party and state secrets in any form;

Never allow participation in various illegal organizations and illegal activities.








8. We warrant not to engage in any activities that endanger network and information security, including but not limited to:

Entering the network or using network resources without permission;

Delete, modify or add network functions without permission;

Delete, modify or add data and applications stored or transmitted on the network without permission;

Deliberately making and spreading network viruses and other destructive programs;

Other activities endangering network security.



(一)具备从事互联网服务的全部合法必要的资质条件,已履行相关规定要求的手续或已取得有关资质证明文件。在签署合同前, 本单位向贵公司提供主体资格文件、资质证明文件的原件供贵公司审核,复印件(加盖公章)供贵公司留存,并保证所提供资料的真实、完整、准确、有效。在合同有效期/服务期限内,如本单位提交的主体资格、资质证明文件所记载内容出现变更,本单位将在完成变更后尽快向贵公司提供最新的文件。前述主体资格文件、资质证明文件包括但不限于营业执照、增值电信业务经营许可证、广告经营许可证、非经营性互联网信息服务备案证明以及贵公司要求提交的其他文件。其中:







9. We warrant to comply with the following regulations if we use internet access services (including but not limited to circuit use, internet data centers, internet dedicated lines, cloud hosts, etc.):

we have all the legally necessary qualifications to engage in internet services, have fulfilled the procedures required by relevant regulations, or have obtained relevant qualification certification documents. Before signing the Contract, we will provide you with the originals of the main qualification documents and certificates for your review, and the photocopies (with official common seal) for your filing, and ensure that the information provided is true, complete, accurate and effective . During the term of the Contract/service period, if there is a change in the content of the qualification and certificates submitted by us, we will provide the latest documents to you as soon as possible after the change is completed. The aforementioned qualification documents and certificates include but are not limited to business licenses, value-added telecommunications business licenses, advertising business licenses, non-commercial internet information service filing certificates, and other documents required by you. Among them:

If we engage in special internet information services such as electronic announcements, news, publishing, education, health care, medicines and medical equipment, culture, radio, film and television programs, etc., we shall be approved by the competent government authorities in accordance with Related Regulations, and perform approval or filing procedures, and obtain approval or filing documents from the competent communications authorities.

If we engage in non-commercial internet information services, we shall first perform internet filing procedures and perform annual review procedures on schedule. If we entrust you to provide filing services, we shall provide you with the information required for filing, maintain and update such information dynamically, and regularly report the information required for website management to you and the telecommunications authorities. we promise that all the filing information submitted is true, complete, accurate, and effective. When the filing information changes, it will be updated in the filing system in a timely manner. If the filing information is inaccurate due to failure to update in time, you have the right to suspend the Services according to law or even terminate the provision of Services, disconnect the network access and take other closure measures.

If we engage in commercial internet services, we shall obtain a corresponding value-added telecommunications license.

If we engage in commercial internet services, we shall indicate our license number in a prominent position on the homepage of our website; If we engage in non-commercial internet services, our filing number should be marked in the center at the bottom of the homepage when our website is launched, and the website link of the filing management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology should be put under the filing number for the public’s check and verification; We shall place the filing electronic verification mark on its website in accordance with the requirements the filing management system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

If we enter your computer room with your permission, we shall strictly abide by the management regulations of the computer room.

According to the requirements of the network supervision branch of the local public security bureau, the filing information shall be submitted online within 5 working days after accessing the network, and the filing shall be completed within 10 working days after the information is submitted.


10. We warrant to take emergency measures immediately when a major security accident occurs during the use of the Services, keep the relevant original records, report to the relevant authorities within 24 hours and notify you in writing. In the event of major security accidents or other emergencies that affect network and information security, you have the right to take emergency measures including but not limited to suspension of business to ensure network security and information security.



11. If we violate any of the above warranties, we shall undertake the liabilities for breach of Contract, accept the penalties imposed by the relevant government authorities (including but not limited to remedy within required time limit, public exposure), and directly assume corresponding legal liabilities as well as to compensate for all the property losses thus cased if any. At the same time, you have the right to suspend or terminate the Services without notice or any liability. All liabilities and consequences therefrom shall be borne by ourselves. If you suffer any loss or adverse effects from our breach, we will be liable for eliminating the adverse effects and compensate you fully for the corresponding losses.


十二、如出现任何违反上述承诺的情况引发的投诉、举报,由本单位负责解决并承担责任。当通信主管部门、“12321网络不良与垃圾信息举报受理中心”、中国电信10000热线等各类渠道投诉、举报达到或超过[ 2 ]件/月时,贵公司有权在不通知本单位的情况下立即停止业务。

12. If there is any complaint or report caused by violation of the above warranties, we are responsible for the settlement and shall assume all the liabilities. When complaints and reports from various channels such as the competent communications authorities, 12321 Network Bad and Spam Report Acceptance Center, China Telecom 10000 hotline and other channels reach or exceed[2 ]pieces/month, you have the right to terminate the Services immediately without notice.



13. We warrant and undertake to sign this Letter or similar document with end users (if any), and urge end users to perform corresponding obligations, failing which we shall bear joint and several liabilities.



14. This Letter is drafted in both Chinese and English languages and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the 2 versions. This Letter will take effect at the same time as the Contract after being duly executed by us.



承诺单位(盖章)Company Name (Seal):

单位地址Company Address:

联系人姓名Contact Name:

联系人电话Contact Phone Number:


Signature of Legal or Authorized Representative:





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